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Trump and Russia: Idiocracy Now

"I never expected Idiocracy? to become a documentary." -Etan Cohen (Idiocracy screenwriter)

"The horror......the HORROR." -Marlon Brando as Capt. Kurtz (Apacolypse Now)

Comedy or drama? Hard to tell sometimes.

For someone whose campaign was largely based on "draining the swamp", Donald Trump has managed to fill his Cabinet with a slimy crew of misfits, many with suspicious or outright illegal dealings with the Kremlin. Are we still really to believe that Trump was unaware of all the double-dealing done on his behalf to grease his way into the White House? Oddly enough, many still do. As candidate Trump said just prior to the election in a rare moment of honesty, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters".

Still, there are signs that the swamp may soon take Trump under. Special Councel Robert Mueller and his investigators won't be so easily misled.